About Me
I am Keith OR I am KBev – It really depends on where you know me from. I was born and raised in NJ (YES, the Jersey Shore), but went to Boston for school for a few degrees. After school, a few decades ago, I moved to Chicago. After 27 years, Chicago is “home”.
I am a photographer. I’ve been snapping photos for 20+ years (longer if you include the fact I’ve ALWAYS been the guy with a camera going back to HS and college). After starting with street photography, it’s been a fun journey of exploration while trying to document and immerse myself in different subcultures. My favorite is hip-hop culture, especially dancers and MCs. However, I also pose people with graffiti for my #GrafNModels work. I also snapped a lot of sideshows, body suspension, pole competitions/ shows, and political events. Since 2019, I’ve been doing a lot more model portrait work without graffiti. It’s been a fun new genre with a great community of creatives.
I am a traveler. Between work and vacation, I’ve been all over the place and have logged over 2.2 million miles on my preferred airline! The best part is that I bring my camera on most business trips and often add a few days to get out and explore before going home. That’s allowed me to meet some great people in those subcultures across 5 continents. It turns out that an introvert with a camera can meet great people anywhere in the world.
I’m not one to sit around. When I decided to take a 6 month sabbatical, I started thinking of a project. This little project is the result of dozens of conversations on how to combine a 15-20 country trip, photography, and a podcast into a single thing. I couldn’t just travel and take pictures. I had to do more. A podcast for each country? Sure, I’lll try to learn Adobe Audition and figure out how to post them on Podbean. A website to share content? Sure, I’ll figure out WordPress and get a Bluehost account. At least I know how to share my photos on my website and IG feeds. I’m still a novice at all these new tools, but i expect to get better as this thing rolls.