Greece: People

< Click here for the photos >

We met a lot of really great, friendly people in Greece.  Whether it was trying to sell us something, welcoming us to their restaurant, or just sharing a bit about their culture, the passion the had for their country was obvious.  My favorite was whenever I tried to substitute something on the menu that wouldn’t work from a “flavor” POV, they’d just flat-out deny me – “No,  that is not a good choice.  You should just order something else.”  It happened more than once, but I respect the authenticity they are protecting.

The funny part was the assumed impact of social media on a place like Greece, ESPECIALLY Santorini.  The number of people I saw making IG & Tin Tok posts was hilarious.  I also didn’t get the memo that I was supposed to wear blue and white every day.  Oh well.

Here are some photos from Athens, Crete (Chania), and Santorini (Oia).